Find TikTok Influencers

Browse 10M+ account and find their contact information and statistics.
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Access the Biggest database on TikTok

Tokfluence has 10M+ profiles with more than 1K followers. It means you can search in the biggest database on TikTok on the market to find the perfect match for your collaboration.

Find tiktok influencers by Location

Among the filters that Tokfluence has, you have access to a country filter. That's often the first filter you want to set in order to narrow down the results on the country you're targetting.
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Find tiktok influencers by Hashtags

When it comes to finding influencers in your niche, you'll want to search with TikTok hashtags. Thanks to related hashtag suggestions you'll be able to specify your niche easily.

Find tiktok influencers by Keywords

Keywords filter searches in TikTok, Instagram and Youtube Bios for the specified keywords. This is huge when it comes to searching influencers in a thematic.
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Find tiktok influencers by Gender

This feature is based on profile picture recognition algorithm. Our machine learning is able to recognize the gender of an account and you can use it to narrow down your search.

Find tiktok influencers having Instagram or Youtube

If you want to run a multi-channel campaign then you'll want to search accounts having an impact also on Instagram or even Youtube. Crossed research are also interesting when you want to verify that an influencer come from TikTok or if he comes from another social network.
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Find tiktok influencers by Mentions

Tokfluence searches for accounts who mentioned these accounts in their Tiktok or Instagram posts. Mentions search is very useful when you want to monitor competitors partenership, monitor your own brands mentions, or even find influencers who work with other similar brands.

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Disclaimer The data Tokfluence provides is not authorized or verified by TikTok. We are gathering data from the TikTok website not an API.Tiktok does not endorse the data being shared. We are not an official partner of TikTok.